No one can travel into the future – but digital simulation models can be used to forecast probable developments, such as pollutant emissions or the effects of extreme weather events on transport infrastructures. How simulations and Big Data can contribute to prevention is the subject of an mFUND expert exchange, which will take place online on 15.09.2021.
Between 10:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., there will be several mFUND keynote presentations – including one by MaritIEm – on the use of simulation. Participation in the event is free of charge, registration is required.
The aim of the mFUND expert exchange is to network funded projects with a methodological focus on modeling and simulation, to facilitate contacts with industrial partners and to provide assistance for the implementation of research and development projects. In addition, it presents current research and development projects in the field of simulations and Big Data and communicates new approaches and innovations to the expert audience.